Friday, July 4, 2008

My 4th of July

Today is Independence Day!

Today my mom joined me and Eric at the lake. It was my first time up there this year and I had really missed our jaunts. We pulled in and sat down and immediately a wave of relaxation came over all of us. "We're home."

The water is still incredibly high - about 4 feet from the bottom of the steps. We had none of the heat of the city - not a TON of people because the water was so high. (that didn't hurt our feelings any, either.)

I took this little video because I love the sounds of the waves.

Dante was happy to see us when we dropped Mom off at the house. No big surprise he was unhappy that we'd been gone ALL DAY and the audacity to return! Bark-bark-bark! I got a little video of that, too.

Later, Eric and I decided to stay home from seeing the fireworks because I work my graveyard job - And the dogs don't really like fireworks. We heard the ones from Sugarhouse and I presume Granite High (or possibly Liberty Park).

I love the 4th of July! It's supposed to be relaxing - and that's just what it was!

1 comment:

eMiLy sLaUgH said...

What a great way to spend the day! I miss going up to the lake... it's been so many years! Our lakes are all drying out here! We have been in a doubt since last year! There's not much left to go boating or anything... so send some of that water our way!