Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Power Of Endorsement

Here we are in the last stretch of the election and I am holding my breath. So much has happened this week that should cause any undecided voter (and any current McCain supporter) to pause and think about who McCain and Palin are.

Before we get to the video clips that matter, lets look at the 'BIG' story for the week: Ashley Todd. When I first heard the story, I thought it was odd that someone would put a "B" for Barack instead of an "O" for Obama. I think her actions are nothing short of despicable and racist and altogether outrageous! The worst part about it is her actions discredit any body who has ever REALLY been sexually assaulted! I hope she is fined (at the least) and jailed.

Some clips that stand out for me this week:

Hardball on MSNBC - loved the summary of the SNL, Andy Griffith Show and Happy Days:

Click Here to watch the full video for the Andy Griffith and Happy Days remake.

Another personal fave: The Rachel Maddow Show.
Here's the opening for her Friday show - which is kind of long here, but I really like her list (and especially her comments in the opening 2 minutes regarding the new McCain ad.)

I know EVERY BODY now knows that Collin Powell has endorsed Barack Obama for president. I wanted to post the actual video from Meet the Press because I was so moved by his explanation and logic behind his decision. I especially LOVED his comments near the end of this first video clip regarding Obama being Christian and not Muslim. Very moving:

Here's the picture Powell is referring to:

2nd part of Collin Powell's interview:

This week, before Obama left the campaign trail to be with his ailing grandmother, he made two AMAZING speeches I want to post here.

First was his speech directed to Native Americans and addresses his policy:

By the way, here's Bush's understanding (remember this?)

Obama's most moving speech this week was given in Richmond, VA on Wednesday:

Go Obama!! Holding my breath! I'm a conservative-liberal (if that's possible) and I'm voting for Obama because I think he reflects my values and will lead this country to a better tomorrow. I hope he wins.

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