Saturday, July 4, 2009

My Birthday at Echo Lake

I always enjoyed being at Echo on any day, but especially my birthday. I used to invite all my friends up, but in the last few years, I've enjoyed just hanging out with my family up there. I had a peaceful and enjoyable time with Eric and my family.

Richard's adorable children:



Marcus watching the water

Collin and Elise



Tree reflections

As we left, I wanted a picture of the setting sun on the water, so I stuck my camera ou the window, way above my head, and starting snapping pictures in the general direction. When I reviewed the pictures later, I found this incredible shot. I couldn't believe how great it was. I love that you can see some people watching a guy swim after swinging on the rope (presumably)...look at it large.


Rachelle said...

Beautiful pictures Tina!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Echo is a nice place to spend it.

Mark said...

That picture of the sunset is awesome. Great Job!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That really is an incredible shot. Your talent is astounding.
I am glad you were able to take it easy on your birthday and enjoy the lake!