Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Night Videos

I had a good week at work....some big changes are coming in our department and I'm kind of relieved. I love my job and enjoy my coworkers, but there has been tension in upper management that was beginning to trickle down. So much so, that when the changes were announced, and I returned to the office from a meeting, there was a noticeable change in the atmosphere. We have yet to see how these changes will truly affect us, though, right?

Here is my collection of videos for this week.

First up is Jon Stewart with Donald Rumsfeld. (I know. I hear it,too: the music of the emperor from Return of the Jedi. Am I right?) I have to say that I think Jon Stewart is so fun to watch and I love this interview:

Richard showed me this one about milk vs. malk vs. melk:

I enjoy playing Angry Birds on my phone and I thought this birthday cake was super cute:

When we were kids, we used to make snow hills in our back yard. And we had a very big back yard....but this is incredible:

I used to love watching an adult I find that it's a lot deeper than I remember knowing back when I watched it:

Speaking of the universe, this is a crazy time lapse video of the stars:

My last video for the week is a fun 'trailer' video:

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