Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Week's Reflection

This week:
My sinus journey continued to march forward with vigor. I believe it's due to the asthma medication (that also is supposed to help with allergies): Singulair. I will say it has helped a lot with the asthma symptoms, but the sinuses continue as stuffed up as always! I will visit the doctor YET AGAIN this coming week with hopes that we can discover a solution to the sinus issue.

I was happy to make it through April Fools day unscathed - I'm not so keen on April Fools Day jokes because they can be so cruel.

It was a sad week in regards to Hser Nay Moo, who was 7-years old that was kidnapped. Her family lives about 4 blocks away from us. The night before the Amber Alert was activated, we received a call from South Salt Lake Police asking to check the yard and hiding places for her - it was an automated message. I was so disappointed when it was announced that her body had been found in a neighbor's apartment (the only one not cleared by police earlier due to no answer at the door). So many people were hoping that she'd be found alive, that perhaps she'd got lost. We watched the news conference that night and I was so impressed the Chief of Police: Chris Snyder. I think he handled himself and the situation and the press so well. We hope and pray for her family.

General Conference is this weekend. Of course, we will tune in for the sustaining of the new president: Thomas S. Monson.

We are excited that Collin with be our little guest in our home this weekend. We are planning on video games galore.

I thought I would add some pictures for me and Sandy - because - DANG! we were cute kids!
These are our kindergarten pictures. So cute!

And what about when we all grew up? Still cute! All of us! (I know how conceited that sounds, but it's the truth: We are still cute!)

We always have so much fun when we all get together. This was taken about seven years ago when Collin was about a year old. (he's clearly NOT in this picture, but that's the time frame)

And now it's time for me to share my family - we had a fun winter with all the snow. Rumor has it that the snow packs are nice and high and water levels are rising - Hurray! We found that our dogs loved chasing snow balls. I captured one such afternoon of fun about a month ago. The video is shot from my camera, so my thumb accidentally found its way over the speaker. About half way through, the sound goes. I still like it - it makes my smile.

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