Monday, December 1, 2008

Twitterpated with Twilight

This Thanksgiving weekend, I was slightly immobile. My friend gave me her copy of the book: Twilight. Everybody I know has been raving about this book series for ever but I wasn't interested. BUT who can turn down a free book when there's so much hype about it? I decided to give it a read.

Wouldn't you know it? I liked it. A lot. So now I'm going out to buy the series in hard back (which is my preference) to read the whole lot of them.

And now I count myself among the throng of fans.


Anonymous said...

I am right there with you. I just got the second and third book from my sister. I am really excited to read them.

Sandie's Spot said...

Welcome to the club. The books are addicting... sooo bad, but such a nice fantasy to read about. They did a good job on the movie....
We need to get together soon - I might have an ANNOUNCEMENT soon (hehe!)