Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Looking into 2011

This is that time of year when we look forward to the new year with hope and wonder at what we might, or would like to accomplish.

As is the custom, I have created my goals for 2011. I'm not a believer in New Years resolutions as much as I am in creating a goal to accomplish by the end of the time I give myself.

So here are my goals for 2011:

1. Lose 3 pounds a week.
I have created the 'how' and 'why' as part of this goal and will discuss it in a later entry.

2. Participate in photo-walks around the valley and meet other amateur photographers to learn from.

3. Read 100 books from a list I compiled from friends, coworkers and family.

4. Return to my studies in the Fall semester

5. Save money for a trip to Uruguay & Argentina next March (I will address the plan in a later entry)

6. Volunteer my time once a month - I will post more on this later, as well.

That is a quick little run down of what I'd like to accomplish this year.

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