Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mommy's Big Move

On January 15, my mom moved out of the house we moved into when I was 16 years old. Twenty one years we lived in that house (or at least had a presence of our family).

This is the house when we first moved in back in 1989:

We have had some really great memories while living there. Sandy and I had our first date; me with a guy named Jason Smith and she was with Rob Rueckert:

Here's a picture of the family back in 1991 - the year Sandy and I graduated from high school:

In 2007, Sandy and I took this long exposure, ghostly picture of us outside of the house:

Richard and I used to sneak out of the house through this window in what was the coal room back in the early 1900s, when the house was built. I can't even imagine trying to fit through that window now:

I am grateful for my family and Eric's family for helping with the move to the extent that they did.

My mom's fabulous ward (my old ward) was kind enough to show up on a Saturday morning and give us their time for an hour to pack the truck full of the items to take to my mom's new house and Richard, Elida and I helped relieve my mom of some of the items she no longer needs.

Richard, Luis (a friend from Uruguay) and Evan drove the moving truck:

Here's a picture of my old bedroom and a light fixture I fell in love with when we first moved in:

And this lovely little door was discovered after we'd lived there for about 6 months. Behind this door, was a hidden room.
While in high school, after discovering this secret room, I began to see things and hear whispers...the door would open on it's own. I thought I was crazy until, one night, my brother and I stayed up talking because I was too afraid to sleep. Our conversation led us to talk about what I was seeing and hearing and I discovered that we both had seen and heard similar things. We ended up having the missionaries come over to help us try and cast out what we believed was there.

In all the years we lived there, anybody who stayed there, would tell us about how creepy the house was: voices, footsteps when no one else was home, doors closing or opening, random breezes without windows nearby, etc.

So on the last night, Elida, Eric and I decided to go on a ghost hunt. I will have to find a way to load up the recordings because what we captured through recordings was pretty crazy stuff. I was stunned and didn't expect to get what we captured on 'tape' (digital recordings).

I do have one picture, though, that I was surprised by. I took it up stairs in April and Elida's old bedroom. It was a long exposure (30 seconds) facing east. The window faces over the back door toward the garage. Here's the original:

I recorded on my computer what I did to the picture to lighten it. I recorded this for my sisters, but this is the picture using photoshop:

Here's the same picture afterward:

If you know I can load up mp3 recording onto blogger, let me know.

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