Saturday, September 20, 2008

American Blackout Trailer

Have you ever thought about how you would feel if your vote wasn't counted?

I have been registered to vote since I was 18 years old. My first election came in my 19th year - 1992. This is the election where George Bush Sr lost to Bill Clinton. As a young, naive, truly uninformed voter, I felt an unexplained obligation to vote Republican...I believed the hype - that the republican party is somehow the more righteous of the two parties - that it was the "right" thing to do. How wrong I now know I was.

Since that election, there has not been one where I haven't read up on the candidates and followed the debates closely. With each election, I've become more aware of my own politics and become more involved. As an American citizen I know that it is my right to vote, it is my duty to vote and how disinfranchized I would feel if I were ever to find out that my vote didn't get counted. Now, some might argue that a vote for a democrat in the state of Utah doesn't count, but to that I say this: the day WILL come when this red state turns to a yellow then blue state. I look forward to that day when REAL conversations happen here. Believe it or not, it's a lot closer a race here than it has ever been.

That all said, I was angered and re-energized toward action by the trailer for American Blackout; it revisits the 2000 and 2004 elections where so many voters (mostly Black voters) were either turned away from their polling stations or their votes were simply not counted. More than that, I was shocked and outraged by the response from the Senate and House (shown near the end of this video clip). How can our elected officials not care? Republican, Democrat, Independent, we ALL matter! We should all be counted.

Watch the entire video. It's well worth the time and I hope that you, too, feel the call to greater action in defending our American right to vote - EVERY American regardless of race, skin color, religion or party affiliation should be heard and counted!

Frankly, after watching, I hope you feel that something needs to be done. What state will it be this election? Who's vote won't be counted this time? What if it's you? How would you feel? What would you do? What action would you expect your elected officials to take?

In an election year where there is so much at stake, when we are struggling in our economy due to an arrogant and careless president, it's time to stand up against that oppressiveness and be counted. It's time to know the issues - what each candidate actually stands for...and not just the party or the looks of the candidates.

You know who I want as my next president. I have already become actively involved in the campaigning and will continue to do so until Election Day. One thing I love that Obama has done, is actually lay out his plan on a variety of issues. He's taken the time to formulate a plan. Want to know where he stands on universal healthcare, you can read up on the specifics. How nice is that?
click here for Obama's main page.

I've become a big fan of the blog Think on These Things

AND I'm now infatuated with the Obama staff due to this video - which is so cute!!

I think that's all I have to say tonight. Truly, there is so much more to say, but I'll stop there for now.

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