Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring? Winter? Which is it?

What a crazy weather week! I started the week off training at the Huntsman Cancer Hospital. Monday we were there at 6:45 a.m. ready to train the new system to a class at 7:00. To our dismay, none of the attendees showed up for that class. We were scheduled to train a class every hour. At 8:00 - no one showed. At 9:00 - no one showed. At 10:00 a whopping two people showed. What the freak!?

After doing some calculations, we figured that with all of us who where there (me, Tim (my coworker), Chris (the coordinator) and Matt (from I.T.)) it was more than $500 an hour for us to be there sitting and staring at eachother. Although we were able to do some work on the computers, obviously it was minimal due to not being at our own desk and having access to our files there.

Tuesday wasn't as bad. Our first class was at 9:00 and we had 4 people come to that class, but after that, it was one or two people. It still felt like a waste of the resource.

While I was there, I decided to take advantage of the the view and take some pictures of the city. On Monday, the view was fantastic. We could see all the way across the valley.
A View From Huntsman Cancer Hospital
A View From Huntsman Cancer Hospital
A View From Huntsman Cancer Hospital
It started getting windy Monday evening - but that night - wow! I woke up with a start at 3:00 in the morning. The wind was rushing through the trees and made the house make funny noises.

By the commute time - driving to work it was hazy from the dust and crap kicked up by all that wind (and my allergies sneezed and sniffled with glee! *a-choo*)
Hazy Morning
When I took this picture, it felt like we were driving in a black and white world. The picture even gives that look, but you can see that lights and see that it's a color picture.

From Huntsman, the valley was engulfed in dust and the western mountains had dissappeared.
Hazy Morning
Yes - that's what we were breathing into our lungs! *cough*

After the dust and wind, came the snow. My poor flowers! They hung their heads frozen. April laughed when I told her we were driving in snow. It was kind of funny to hear her talking about spring and sunshine and we are in snow.

So the weather has been choice - and my eyes hate me. I have FIVE different eye-drops I rotate with. Mostly I solve the eye hatred with a patch or wet washcloth. I keep having a conversation with the eyes but haven't seemed to convince them to enjoy the weather.

I'm hoping the coming week we'll start to see spring again. I would very much like a decrease in the pollen counts, though.

I'm looking forward to flying to California next month! Really, I can't wait to be with my sisters and see Elida's baby (and by 'see' I really mean: hold, cuddle, feed and never put him down).

Tomorrow morning (meaning Saturday morning, which is technically today) - So really I mean to say: Later this morning, we are going to get our tickets for:

I KNOW! See what happens when you become interested in what your husband likes!? But I am so excited! RAW is coming to Salt Lake City in June and I want to be there - who would EVER have thought this 5 years ago?!
I am excited!

John Cena and Jeff Hardy! Tripple H! Who could ask for anything more!? WOOOOOOOO!
LOL! Crossing my fingers for good seats.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Oh Tina! You had me until RAW!