Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Night Videos

I found the first two videos hard to watch but the message regarding domestic violence is important:

Lighter note - This video gave me such a good laugh! It answers the question: What would happen if you add a brick to the wash:

Two cats try to figure out the treadmill:

Brilliant BYU video that is like the Old Spice Commercial...makes me laugh:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm excited to see the videos again!

The abuse ones makes me so sad. There are so many affected by it. This summer Nathan and I were working outside when a couple a few doors up the street started fighting about something as they were bringing in groceries. It didn't seem like a huge fight nor did I hear more after they went inside but within 15 minutes two police cars pulled up. I can't imagine.

Also, BYU's old spice guy is amazing. He WILL be a famous actor someday. We watched some of his other clips on youtube. He just has that confident funny factor about him. You should check out some of his other clips.