Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Night Videos

I know it's been forever since I posted anything....between the back pain, another back injection, being flat on my back for another week in January...a very bad cold that lasted FOREVER in January (and still clings to my lungs into February), and busy days at work...I haven't had a lot of time to think about any blog posts ... but I really do mean to catch up at some point :)

In the mean time, I thought this video was too cute; these leopards trying to make sense of a mirror in the middle of the jungle:

April posted this onto Facebook and I loved it...We used to watch Bob Ross on Sundays when we wanted to take a nap ... he seemed to help put us into a little trance and put us to sleep. It was fun to see a little friend tree or friend cloud. PBS put together this little song out of his videos:

And because I find this video so inspiring (and because I've been losing weight and continue to work on losing weight) and have to share this one again:


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have seen and LOVED the never, ever give up clip. It makes me want to be better and work harder. It's so true that we can do whatever we want to!