Thursday, July 10, 2008

Farewell To A Great Boss

Today we bid a fond farewell to my manager: Janell Madonna. She has been promoted to Director of Contracting at UUMG.

She joined our team not long after I became a trainer (over 4 years ago). I had reported to my mentor Rob Kistler and I approached the new situation with some trepidation (much like I do now with a new incoming manager).

Looking back on my time working with Janell, I find that she has been more than my manager. She has become my friend. I have learned a lot about dimplamatic relationships with managers and coworkers. I've learned a thing or two or three about writing skills. But as my friend she has supported me and helped me through some rough emotional times and I am forever grateful for that.

So it is with a bit of personal sorrow that we see her off to bigger and better things: Her new office happens to be one floor up from where we are, so we'll still see her in the elevator and when we barge into her office.

Here we have the training team: Derek, Me, Deb, Janell, Bonnie and Tim

Our analyst team and Tasha (Tasha, could you please explain your role?):
Janell, Adrienne, Tasha and Paul

Janell's direct reports:
Back: Tim, Jaynann, Adrienne, Derek, me, Tasha and Paul
Front: Deb, Janell, Amy and Bonnie

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