Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bomb Scare

So today there was a bomb threat at the University Hospital. I was training, but we were on break when my manager came out and told us she'd received a "code yellow" page - a bomb threat at the hospital (by the way: it should have been a code purple). We've had so many drills that our first reaction was, "is it a drill?" Within seconds we knew it was real due to various phone calls.
I work in the billing office building downtown, so I was away from any of the lock down, but I called Eric - he works in the school of medicine and the last thing I want is to lose my husband to some fanatic on a rampage over who knows what. AND it's my employer. AND there are patients!
Here's the info as sent to us in an email from administration (it came around 12:30):
"At 9:21 a.m., University of Utah Hospital experienced a bomb threat. We have activated the Command Center, and all precautions are in place.
A second sweep of the internal patient care areas and all other areas of the hospitals and or clinics has been completed. Law enforcement is working to complete a sweep of the external facilities using K-9 assistance. Facilities continue to remain on lock down. There is no vehicle access to the Health Sciences Campus."

Around 2:00 we were told that everything had been cleared. It will be interesting to hear how Eric's perspective was from the hospital.

It seemed an odd coincidence that it's also the day of the press conference announcing that the billing records that had been stolen (about a month ago) had been recovered by police this morning. This morning Shadd Hartman was arrested for stealing billing records from some loser's car. This loser was supposed to have delivered them straight away to some secure vault, but instead took a detour to his house and took a nap. Loser boy left the records, which were on some kind of tape, in what looked like a cash-box on the front seat of his car. Shadd broke into the that loser's car and stole the records off the front seat.

I'm happy to know there was an arrest.

I'm most happy that all is well and safe again at the hospital and that I will be able to pick Eric up from work and that he his safe.

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