Saturday, March 20, 2010

Friday Night Videos

I found this video last Saturday morning before I left my graveyard shift, and I couldn't stop laughing (and coughing). It's still too funny!

The same guy did this one, too. ha ha ha ha! hilarious to me!

One last one from the same guy. I love the "Welcome to Canada" bit, and the way the beaver "smiles" is perfect.

I loved the way this was read two different ways.

BMW does the tablecloth trick:

I've seen this before, but it's cute, so here it is now. The Jungle song:

One of my favorite cartoons of all time was Animaniacs. Here's the intro:

I couldn't have the intro without a couple of clips:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That tablecloth trick was AMAZING! How did they do that?!?!