Monday, July 18, 2011

Nate and Shannon's Reception

My cousin Nate got married on Friday (which is why Emily has been in town). I don't know Tammie's kids as well as my other cousins because they moved out of state when they were all very young.

We are FB friends, mind you, and I've gotten to know them via their FB profiles and comments, but it's nice to get to know family face to face, if you know what I mean.

Richard and my mom joined me at the reception, where it was so nice to catch up with many of my cousins who were there. I think it's time we had a cousin reunion. None of the 'adults' or parents...just the cousins. We talked about that idea for a little while and we all agree it would be that will be coming soon. I am one of 26 grandchildren on the one side, so seeing cousins is pretty fun.

My cousin Nate and Shannon were married earlier in the day and they had a beautiful reception at Noah's South Jordan. They were catered by Leatherby's! I had no idea that was even an there was an ice cream counter with waffle bowls! Yum!

Of course, I was running around taking pictures, because that's what I love to do.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Gorgeous pics!! I am all for a cousin reunion.