Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

12/24/11 - Eric and I have a yearly tradition where we head downtown to Temple Square to see the lights. It's a very local Christmasy thing to do and I enjoy seeing so many lights.
This year, Richard joined us and I think we were the only ones having any real fun while there. There were several families there wandering around, but it was a little bit like they were trying to force a spiritual experience on themselves and their families.
Midway through the picture taking, I realized we were the only ones laughing and enjoying each other's company. Kind of sad, really. Just let the time and spiritual experiences come to you...don't force's a bit disingenuous that way. (just my thought on that).
I always look for the angle or shot I haven't tried before. This being the fourth year, it's hard to find a new shot, but here are the favorite shots I had:
Okay, so it's hard for me to narrow down my list of favorites...and there are many others I wanted to add, but I narrowed it to these. LOL!
It was a very nice night wandering through the lights.
Later, we picked up a family friend and spent the evening at my mom's house munching on goodies, drinking mate and listening to La Misa Criolla (a true family past time).


Mark said...

Great job with the reflections. The one of the Christus is my favorite, though. :)

Jess said...

I want your camera. But I am not taking away from the amazing photographer...awesome angles. But the richness of the colors and sharpness is so aaaaammmmmaaaazing! Great shots. I will never give up on us getting together and me picking your brain. It's supposed to happen....just not sure when ; )