Saturday, January 7, 2012

Favorite Pictures from 2011

I've narrowed down my favorite pictures from last year. I had a busy year and I'm glad my camera was with me for most of it.
Some of my favorite pictures are faves because of the memory and others, because I really like the way the picture turned out.

#1: I went outside and there were weird little icy nubbie things all over, like old crystals beginning to grow. This was about the size of a dime and I like the look.

#2: In February, Eric and I took our nephew Chance to the boat show. After a nice morning, we went to Pirate O's. They have this tiny old car on their porch. The lighting was too good to pass up so I put Chance in front and started clicking.

#3: We had a long winter in seemed to last forever. On a stormy morning, on the drive to work, I put the camera out the window and got this picture..

#4: This picture was taken at the celebration we had for my nephew's birthday. My brother and his wife had just split up and the kids were (and still are) taking it very hard. Elise hadn't smiled for several days and she laughed and laughed when she and Eric played together. She is a joy!

#5: Elida and Mason were in town in May and we went to Fairmont park near my house. This little girl was trying to get the birds to eat some of the bread she was so willingly sharing.

#6: On the same day, Mason was playing on the play ground and I got this shot of him. I love the look on his face.

#7: One of my favorite memories of 2011 was the U2 concert! We camped out in the rain playing cards and chatting. It was too much fun! A truly great memory.

#8: This picture made the favorites list because of what it means to me. Taken on the day we were in the path of a Trax Train. One of the scariest moments of my life.

#9: I love, love, love the lighting and color of this shot. This was one week before my cousin was married to this sweet, sweet girl.

#10: In July, Eric and I joined my brother and traveled to LA for a great concert and to see Six-Man. At the Six Man, I took this picture of Eric enjoying the beach. Definitely a favorite of mine.

#11: There were so many great pictures on this day at Echo. April and Sandy were passing through and we all spend the weekend playing in the water; and family favorite pastime. I loved the facial expressions on the faces.

#12: I was so sad that my camera was in the shop and I was using the lesser of my cameras. We were wandering the Utah State Fair when I turned around and saw this image. I was glad to have any camera at the moment.

#13: Halloween is a favorite's fun to decorate the house and dress up. I was double checking on a few outside decorations when I saw this one: Eric standing in the black light in his costume.

#14: My mom retired in November and I love this family picture. It was such a marvelous night and being with my family made it that much better.

#15: Richard asked me to take a picture of him and the boys wearing La Celeste shirts.

#16: We went to Temple Square of Christmas Eve and this was one of my favorite shots.

There were many other favorites, but it would defeat the purpose of naming a few, if I listed them all here. The rest of my 2011 favorites are stored on Flickr.
I have previous years of favorites as well: 2009 and 2010.


Rachelle said...


Sandy said...

LOVE the pic with Rich and the Boys. I don't know how I ever missed this one. All other pictures are loved as well!