Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pride Parade and Fesitval 2012

Eric and I were honored to be asked to walk in the Salt Lake City Pride Parade and Festival with the Infectious Disease clinic from the University of Utah Hospital. 
We arrived at 8:30 (as we'd been instructed) and found that we were quite unprepared to stand in the hot sun for three hours! Silly me; I'd left my wallet in the car so I didn't have money to buy water or other refreshment. I had my camera, but that's about it. 
We were float number 90 and decorated the car in rainbow streamers. As the  heat increased, I decided to suck it up and ask the group in front of us if they had any spare water. They were from Weber State and were gracious enough to share not only their water but their otter pops, too. What a relief!!

Once we finally started walking the two or so miles, my body was most unhappy with me. We walked at a pretty fast pace. I scanned the crowds in  hopes of finding people I know, but alas, I didn't see my friends. Many of them saw me, though, and even called out my name.
Once the parade was done, we collected my mom and Richard's kids and went to the festival on the City County Building grounds. It was hot and fun.
My favorite part of the Pride Festival is that it's a family affair. Families come and enjoy the booths and music. Very nice.
My favorite pics:

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