Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Are you Serious!?

A high school friend of mine put this as a Facebook post today and I felt the response warranted more than a couple of quick lines in Facebook. I haven't seen this friend since high school. She's a smart, well educated woman who's entitled to her opinion; I just found this to be a little lacking in argument:

"One more reason not to vote for Obama. [My husband] and I just finished a meal at a charming Parisian restaurant. We learned President Obama and Michelle dined there also. I asked the waiter what dessert Michelle ordered - the waiter said that they both ordered this very excessive dessert. I joked and mocked they didn't share!?

The waiter smirked that they both finished the entire dessert.

Boy, doesn't that say it all."

Boy, doesn't it!  I mean, not sharing your dessert with your spouse speaks so much to your character that he definitely doesn't deserve your vote. As does eating your entire dessert.

Here's just a bit to consider:

1. What if this was the first meal they'd eaten all day - or, even, together in a long time. The president and his wife are very busy people, it's feasible that they hadn't eaten or seen eachother all day.

2. Maybe they didn't know just how big the dessert was or they would have shared. It's happened many times to me: you order dessert thinking you just need a little bit of sugar to finalize the perfect meal. And when it arrives, what a shocker that it's HUGE!

3. Or, maybe they didn't want to be rude and not finish the excessive dessert because wouldn't that look bad if they didn't finish their meal? The president and his wife order dessert but leave most behind!? (yeah, we all know this would be yet "another" reason to not vote for him, right?)

4. Or maybe, just maybe, they wanted their own dessert!

But this I can say: This particular incident does NOT speak to Mr. Obama's character nor is it a reason to not vote for someone.

Look at the issues and make a truly INFORMED decision from that!


Rachelle said...

That might be the weirdest reason I have ever heard to not vote for Obama. WTH?

Jess said...

I second Rachelle's comment! WTH??? I am going to need a better reason than dessert to pick my next president!