Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bush's Final Hours

I was thrilled to see that President Bush has less than 100 hours in office!


I caught a small portion of his farewell address to the nation on Thursday while picking up some tamales from a nearby restaurant.

I find it interesting that he constantly (especially in his campaign out the door) is trying to sell the idea that the U.S. is safer today than pre-9/11. His sales tactic goes something like this: "We have not had an attack on U.S. soil since that day." And according to him, it's due to his efforts.

If you remember with me, back to the post 9/11 days, you might recall the very real fear of Anthrax. It began on 9/18/01. The attacks killed 5 people and infected 17 more. It was classified as a terrorist attack. Maybe because the fall guy wasn't middle-eastern it doesn't get classified in the same category, now, as 9/11 crowd, but it WAS post 9/11 and it was a terrorist act AND it was and remains still, a very real threat and fear held by a lot of Americans.
If you want a reminder of history, check out Wikipedia.

Do I feel the world is better on his way out the door as it was on his way IN the door? I'd be a fool's fool if I did. And the king of fools is out trying to sale the idea to the American public - His so called legacy.

Bush's True Legacy:

I'm looking forward to Tuesday along with so many other Americans. I look forward to seeing Obama sworn into office and hearing what will be an electrifying speech. What a great and momentous day we have before us!

I know I've posted this here before, but it bears repeating:

I am so excited for Tuesday!!!


Heather said...

Did you hear him say that he regretted not finding WMD in Iraq? Not that he regretted the bad intelligence that allowed him to invade on false pretenses, but that they didn't actually have them, he would rather have Iraq have WMD than have good intelligence. I am so happy his presidency is over, and so excited for Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

I had not seen that video. That is an awesome video! Full of hope and inspiration! I am excited to see what these next 4 years bring.
Thank you for sharing!