Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama Doing Great

Here we are, not quite a full week in to our new presidency and so much has already changed. President Obama is already making good on so many campaign promises.
~Closing of Gitmo
~Ending what is perceived as tortuous handling of prisoners
~Tackeling the economy in a bi-partisan way
~Overturning the gag rule on abortion
~Tighter fuel standards for cars
~Loosening some restrictions on stem-cell research

One of my Flickr contacts: jurvetson mentioned a quote from then candidate Barack Obama, which I love:
When asked a question about math and science education, he answered: “A whole generation got into math and science because of Apollo. The President has to talk about it in a way that has not been done recently. It’s a subtle thing. In the last several years, I have been shocked by the degree of anti-intellectualism that has been promulgated by the Bush Administration. He jokes about being a C student. ‘I’m not big on science. I know what I think.’ Kids absorb that. I’d like to spend eight years extolling the importance of science and technology and problem solving and critical thinking.”

I love following politics. I'm clearly more happy when "my guy" is in office. I love the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Here are two scenes from the same show that I just loved: I love the "STFU face" - ha ha ha ha ha! too funny!

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