Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One Day St George Road Trip

My dad and I took a little jaunt to St George this past weekend, to pick up Sandy and April’s dogs: Bruno and Ebony (Beanie).

It started with the need for a dog sitter and my mom being available to watch them. But there’s the snag: Sandy and April are in LA. My mom is in SLC. Yeah…..that’s over 700 miles distance…so how to pull it off?

I work a graveyard shift on Friday nights but asked someone to swap me my Friday for Saturday night instead. Done (we love Brandon).

My dad joined the road trip because it’s safer with two drivers.

That’s the beginning.

Saturday, January 30, 2009: My dad and I set off at 7:30 a.m. to meet up with Sandy and April in St. George. It’s a little past their half way point, but much prettier than Mesquite. Most of the drive there was uneventful. Foggy drive between Lehi and Fillmore, but other than that, we made good time. We got there around 12:15, which was an hour before Sandy and April (confusion due to the time difference), so we went to the St. George Temple for pictures. There was a little black convertible in front of the temple and soon after we arrived, a very young bride and groom came out for pictures getting in the car. My dad was curious of what kind of car it was and decided to join the throng of family members and gazillion photographers to find out.

I was across the street and couldn’t help taking pictures (see flickr)….it was like a car accident. I couldn’t look away. As the bride and groom were ushered to the car and posed for various pictures, my dad could be heard above the crowd of family members with such heckling comments as: “put your arm around her” and “pretend you like her” and so on.

After pulling my dad away from that little scene, we drove through the red rocks and took a few more pictures. Later we joined Sandy and April for lunch at the Twentyfive Main Café and Cake Parlor. Okay – can we say: Fantastic and wonderfully yummy food? If you’re ever in St George, head on over….and don’t forget the cupcakes. In fact, buy extra, because you’ll definitely want some for later! After lunch, we ran a quick errand to Costco for dog food. Sandy, April and I went shopping, while my dad stayed to keep Bruno and Beanie company. It was weird shopping there because it was typically busy but really quiet in comparison to the SLC Costco’s. As April put it: “It’s almost reverent.” We took some quick family pictures and then piled the two dogs into our car and said our goodbyes. I hate saying goodbye to my sisters. It’s always a bit emotional for me….choking back tears….I know I’m going to see them soon (in three weeks), but I hate it.

We left the parking lot and headed for the freeway; Sandy and April heading south, me and Dad heading north. A quick wave and we’re off.

We left with time to spare so I could hang out with Eric before I had to be to work by 10:00 p.m. and I was happy.

While I’m driving mach-ninety on I-15, just before we get into Parowan (some 70 miles or so from St George), my dad is looking in his pockets for his cell phone and what do his hands find instead? Oh, nothing. No big deal. Sandy’s CAR KEYS!

Now you might find yourself asking: How did she get on the freeway heading south if she didn’t have her keys? Good question. Sandy has a Toyota Prias, which only needs the key to be NEAR the car in order to start it. Evidently, NEAR really means at least 10 feet away, because that’s the distance we were when she started up her car in the Costco parking lot. (My dad had Sandy's keys because he was keeping Bruno and Beanie company while we shopped.)

My dad gets on the phone quickly to let Sandy know he has her keys…. I’m feeling a bit of urgency because I need to get to work on time and Sandy needs her keys.

Here’s the conversation from my perspective in the car:

Dad: “Heeeeeyyyyyyyy! Hoooowwww yooouuuuuuu dooooinnnnnn’?” (say it out REALLY slowly...like you're trying to keep someone it suspense)

Pause for response from Sandy/April....I’m thinking: Oh, he’ll get to the point shortly…but we’re fast approaching the only exit for another 10 miles…so I’m feeling a bit anxious.

Dad: “How’s the drive going?”

You know that devil voice you hear in the movies?…the deep raspy voice that chimes with dark and evil intent…well that was my voice:

Me: "Dad! The keys!!! Keys!"

Dad: "Sooooo Saaaaannnnndyyyyy forgot something sheeeee might need…" more suspense voice...it's a game.

Devil Voice Me: "Dad! Get to the point!" (I ain't playin' no games)
Dad: "I have Sandy’s keys"

Silence from my end as they decide how to proceed…exit fast approaching…like, I’m on top of it……

It's decided that we must turn around at the exit and drive back. I’m so mad, at this point that I have my dad drive. I was shaking as I do the math in my head and realize: I’m not going make it to work on time.

Forty miles from St George, Sandy calls me to tell me SHE’S IN ST. GEORGE! What? Serious booking time, I’d say. They continue on the path and we meet up in at the exit of Toquerville…pass the keys off…say goodbyes AGAIN…choke back more tears…and back onto the freeway. The drive back was nice and quick…we made very good time. I got back home by 8:40 and was able to “rest” before working...I later passed out around 4:30 a.m. ……too tired.

All that said, it was fun and so very warm in St George…We’ll do it all again (minus the key drama) in three weeks.

See more of my pictures here.
I'll post videos of the dogs enjoying my mom's house later.

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