Thursday, December 13, 2012

Car vs. University Shuttle

Once upon a time, there was a handsome young prince named Eric who loved his transportation dearly. He loved his car so much that he named this vehicle Smoke. Smoke had its own personality in Prince Eric's eyes.
One day Prince Eric was driving home from work with his lovely wife, Princess Tina in the passenger seat beside him. They were stopped at a stop sign at a four way stop next to a bicycle. A bus sized shuttle had right of way, turned left and turned into Smoke, swiping the driver's side of the car, knocking off the mirror and scratching the side of the car from bumper all the way down the door.
Now, Prince Eric is normally a very sane and calm young man, but Princess Tina saw him change many colors that afternoon: from flesh tone, to gray, to red to steaming. Lucky for everybody involved, the bus was two inches from the driver's door and Prince Eric was trapped in the car and couldn't get out...and took the time necessary to calm himself down.
Princess Tina, had an injured back and decided to sit on the lawn and wait for the police to arrive. She also had her camera with her, of course, and took many pictures of the scene.
Two things happened to help the situation in Prince Eric's favor:
1. The evil bus driver troll lied about what happened and the Police saw through his inconsistent stories and lies.
2. Eric was calm by the time the police arrived and he and I had not spoken about the details of what happened, as I was sitting on the lawn when the police arrived. Our stories matched and it was clear that our version is what had happened.

Moral of the story: Don't lie! LOL! And....the camera doesn't lie!

Quick edit in response to Mark's comment: this accident took place in September. My back did not suffer to much of a setback, although it was stiff for a few days (more so than it already was). We rented a car for about four days while the car was being repaired and now Smoke is back home with us. :)


Unknown said...

You and public transportation struggle....bad. Glad your safe, and your hubby was "locked up" long enough for a happily ever after :)

Rachelle said...

The evil troll bus driver cracked me up! What a douche! I'm glad they saw through his lies and you are safe.

Mark said...

so did this arggrivate your back any further? Is the car getting fixed or does it have to be replaced? How are you guys getting around in the meantime?