Thursday, May 15, 2008

All The Talking Dogs

I have all these little videos of our dogs and Dante and Bailey and decided to upload them all to the same place.....Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I watch one or two of them and get a nice little chuckle.

This first video is from the holidays. It was at the time Sandy, April and Elida were getting ready to leave for the long drive home to LA. It's just too funny! Here we have Dante, Bruno and Beenie - I love how when Elida helps Dante back to his seat, her purse hits Bruno - watch for it!

This next video is of our dogs on a cold winter day when we came home from work. It's always the same reception.

Here we find Bailey (John and Laura's dog) on Mother's day. She doesn't like the claw. She didn't turn in her best performance, but here it is.

This last video is of Dante - he was quite upset with us kidnapping Mom for the night. (We went to dinner and to see Iron Man) Upon our return, Dante promptly told us off! I love when he gets talking and will respond to me when I bark at him.


Sandy said...

They are all so cute! Casey Jones cracks me up! Isn't he just so handsome. But Dante - he really is the best dog ever!

Alison Bzz said...

Gotta love these dogs!