Monday, August 25, 2008

From Closings to Openings

There are comments on the radio and TV; in newspapers and blogs, all talking about the closing ceremonies and the reflection of what the Beijing Olympics brought to the world.

I just want to add my two cents in: I think China did a FABULOUS job with these summer games - despite all the negative chatter prior to the games from various sources, they forged on ahead and brought a fantastic show.

Elida sent me this gymnastics video and I thought it would be fun to add here.

NOW onto the new show: The National Democratic Convention.

What to watch for this week:
1. Monday: Michelle Obabma will be the prime-time speaker (and I'm eager to see how she is because I don't know that much about her). Obama will be speaking from a currently, undisclosed family's home in NC.
2. Tuesday: Hillary Clinton. Will she say kind words of support? or will she drip of anger? hmmmmmmmmm.....we'll have to see. How unified will she be? Will her body language give the same message?
3. Also Tuesday: Virginia Governor Mark Warner will speak. I don't know much about him, but will watch him and see.
4. Wednesday is Joe Biden's turn. (Former President Clinton will also speak)
5. Thursday is the big night: Barrack Obama, himself, will speak and accept the nomination.

What I will avoid:
1. Jesse Jackson speach. In fact, once the full-of-hot-air-introduction begins, I will flip to something more interesting; Like flowers growing or paint drying or my dogs panting in the heat.

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