Friday, August 1, 2008

The Sims Evolution

As mentioned in a previous entry, I am a huge Sims fan. Eric introduced me to The Sims while we were dating. Until then, video games had been pretty foreign territory. Ever since then, the PS2 and my computer games have been a fun way to spend an evening. Now that there's a bit of a budget crunch due to gas eating up what little spare money there might have been in our budget, we've come to rely on our games for our entertainment just a little bit more.

Maxis has released the trailer to The Sims 3 and I thought it would be fun to track down some of the trailers to the previous versions of The Sims, and their expansions.

This first video is of the initial trailer for the Sims....kinda long and boring and completely different to how the game turned out.

My favorite expansion pack for The Sims, was the final one introduced: Makin' Magic. So I have included my favorite of the MM trailer:

The Sims 2 was released in September 2004, but I started playing in late 2005. I have loved playing various challenges. Here is my favorite trailer:

You may have see this commercial on TV - 100 Million copies sold. So you see, I'm not the lone spastic dedicated fan:

Now the Sims 3 trailer has been released! A lot of programming is still needed so it's hard to know what it will be like, but it sure looks promising:

I love my Simmies!

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