Saturday, October 4, 2008

Frontline: Before the Vote

OCTOBER 14, 2008
"It is one of the most memorable presidential elections in decades. It is a race that pits the iconoclast John McCain against the newcomer Barack Obama; the heroic former prisoner of war against the first African American major party nominee. For two hours, the 20th anniversary broadcast of The Choice examines the rich personal and political biographies of these men and goes behind the headlines to discover how they arrived at this moment and what their very different candidacies say about America."
The Trailer:

Preview of Obama:

Preview of McCain:

This will be the 4th election where I watch PBS Frontline's special on each of the Presidential Candidates. I've always enjoyed watching it because it gives a history (both political and personal) of each person.
I hope you'll watch it!
PBS Frontline information

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