Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Night Videos

This week I found some videos that made me laugh. Here they are:

I found this video so interesting...I've often wondered if I could survive if I had to grow my own food. Here's a family that does:

I loved this ninja cat! ha ha ha ha!

I love learning more and more about photography. I've learned that I really need paticence to get the shot I want. Sometimes I have it and other times I push it and miss a great oportunity. I love when things fall into place, though.

I couldn't resist this one. I got such a good laugh out of this one:

I am a huge sim fan (as I've mentioned in previous entries). I have not loaded the Sims 3, yet, but I found this video entertaining.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVED the Joe McNally video. He is so amazing. I'm dying to see more of your pictures with your new camera. HAve you read any of Scott KElly's books? HE is hilarious. They are fun reads and FILLED with information. Check them out at the library or on amazon.