Friday, April 20, 2012

Virginia - Dahl Family

Eric and I took a little trip to Virginia in March. He's been wanting to show me his old romping ground in North Carolina for a long time. I really wanted to see Washington DC while we were in the vicinity so we created a home base of Williamsburg, Virginia.
We flew out on the red eye flight on March 3; yup. I'm that far behind. We flew into Newport News and were to check into our condo sometime after three o'clock. A couple of weeks before we left, I'd emailed my friend MaryAnn to find out their address so I could send them a package. She sent me her address and I was surprised and thrilled to see they live in Newport News! Yay!!

I was ever so excited to see her and Shaun and their cute family. I've known them for a long time and I don't think I realized how much I'd missed them until I saw them.

MaryAnn was gracious enough to let us hang out with her and the 10 month old twins and 7 year old Ezra. It was wonderful to catch up .... she's doing what she wanted to do and I'm happy to see it. I can say this: 10 month old twins are more than a handful!!! eeeekk!!

Here are some of the pictures I took of them on the first day and then the day before we came home a week later.

And Friday, March 9:
It was very nice to hang out and catch up and I'm looking forward to seeing them again in the next couple of years.

1 comment:

Mark said...

I didn't know they moved out of state. Too bad we didn't get more Dutch oven cooking in before they left. And that's so great that they have the twins now!

Looks like a fun trip - you're lucky to be able to take those. :)