Monday, December 14, 2009

Growing Up

I've been learning to use Photoshop at work and in the practice, I've been using my own pictures. I scanned in several pictures from my childhood and then decided to see what I could do. Here they are:

My Great Grandma Flint:


My Great Grandma Lisonbee with me and Sandy. We were about 18 months old, I guess.
Before: After:
My Great Grandpa Lisonbee with me and Sandy - the same day as the previous picture.
Before: After:
My brother's blessing day with my Great Grandpa and Grandma Lisonbee. I really like the way this one refurbished.
Before: After:
This is my single most FAVORITE pictures of me and Sandy. Love, love, love it!
Before: After:
This picture of me has some serious damage on it! I will continue to work on it, but here's what I have so far:
Before: After:
Such a cute picture of Sandy!
Before: After:
That's it for now, but I'm working on others of my siblings and hoping they turn out better, too.
I would appreciate any feedback! Thanks!


Mark said...

Gotta love those heal, Auto Color, and Auto Tone features! Good job.

Sandy said...

I love these pics!