Thursday, December 4, 2008

Great Little Jewels

It's always kind of fun to run into videos that make me smile on a difficult day. I hope you like at least one. Here's one about Adam and Eve. It makes me laugh EVERY time I watch it:

Here's another entertaining one. I guess it makes me laugh because it's a bunch of Marines dancing - and I can't imagine Eric joining in, but it's funny if I try to imagine it.

Shopping for Christmas gifts can be harder for some than others. I can never find a gift that will really give Eric that "surprise!" - He ALWAYS figures out what I'm going to get him before because he guesses and my face betrays me every time. WARNING: do NOT watch this if you find the 'F' word offensive!

Last, but not least, is the Harry Potter trailer. It was released some time ago, but it makes me happy to know that in the summer I'll be in the theatre watching my favorite summer flicks.

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