Monday, December 15, 2008

Twilight Junkie

Alright, alright, alright! I was resistant at first. I would say I even repelled the idea of reading the series. But it was bound to happen. I like to read and I'd heard all sorts of things about this series.

In the end I was engulfed with the outcome. I had to know what would happen next.

I still wouldn't call it the best of the books I've read. There are so many fantastic books (see the side bar for my list of faves) but this is a great story and I like it a lot.

It's definitely worth the reading time.

Last thing:
I updated mine and Sandy’s recipe blog with my recipe for my version of Better-Than-Sex-Cake. It’s nummilicious and I’m sure you’ll love it.


morgan and jayden said...

Hey Tina this is Jayden and my cousin Morgan. We got a blog at WE love your blog its so cool.Anyway miss ya

Jayden and Morgan

Jess said...

I am also an addict...I had a really difficult time getting into any other romance-type books after these. The story is just soooo good. Don't ruin the high by going to the movie. Cause it pretty much sucked. I recently read Hunger Games which was reccommended by Stephenie Meyer on her website. Loved it! I also like her other book The Host.

Anyway, glad to have another hooked fan to chat to about my obsession...

Sandie's Spot said...

welcome to the club Lizzy. I also don't believe they are the best written but the story line that helps your imagination take it to a better place....ha ha ha

I think you would really like the Host too, it's a little more sci-fi.