Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Day Full of Activity

Eric and I are in California for Thanksgiving this year. Eric's mom is our house/dog sitter and the dogs love her. Yay, Kathy! Thank you. After a panic moment of realizing we hadn't given Kathy the keys, and she rushed back to the airport so that we could get them to her, Eric and I rushed to catch our flight. We were literally the LAST people on the plane. Yikes!~

We've never been away for the holidays before (both of our families are in Utah). My sisters live in LA and we wanted to spend Thanksgiving with them. We are being gracious hosts.

We flew out of SLC on Monday morning. It snowed the night before, so it was cold and beautiful in the morning light. Here are a couple of pics I took from the airplane window:
Elida and Mason picked us up from Long Beach Airport. We flew our favorite airline: Jet Blue. I think we beat the rush of Thanksgiving because there was an empty seat next to us. But it was a pretty full flight, just the same.

Elida and Mason took us to the Aquarium of the Pacific. It was really nice and it was a wonderful sunny, warm day. Such a contrast to what we left in Utah.
Here are some of the pictures I captured:
Mason watching the fish Eric and Mason watch the fish swim by: I don't know what made him laugh, but I'm glad I got it: Elida being...Elida. LOL! Mason mesmerized by the sea lions: Elida and Mason: In the evening we took the dogs for a walk to the beach - yup! my sisters live TWO blocks from the beach. We got there just in time for an incredible sunset.


Mark said...

That last picture of Eric is really nice. Looks like you guys are having a blast. Happy Thanksgiving!

Rachelle said...

That sunset picture is too gorgeous! I'm jealous of the sun. :) I hope you have a great Thanksgiving with your sisters!

alisquire said...

You are such a talented photographer! Great pictures! Have a fun trip.