Saturday, November 7, 2009

Friday Night Videos

Okay, first off, big pet peeve: people who don't cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze. Even if you're clearing out your throat with a cough, COVER UP!
AND: don't come to work if you're sick. Stay home, rest, recover and then come to work. No one wants what you've got to "share!"

This is why you don't harass animals:

Neild Patrick Harris & Jason Segel from How I met Your Mother (a show I don't watch)singing "Confrontation" from Les Miserable:


I've become more of a gamer in the last five years and this game caught my eye (as well as Eric's) so we might HAVE to get it.

Time lapse video of mushrooms growing (grody and cool, all at the same time)

1 comment:

tysqui said...

I can't stop laughing from that Les Miserables video. That is hilarious. I do love your Friday night videos, by the way.