Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday Night Videos

Although I have made my peace, some times, more than other times, I get frustrated with the powers above, that Eric and I don't have the family we have wanted. This news story made me feel that can some people be "blessed" with kids and be such terrible parents, when there are so many childless couples who would make great parents? I'm sure this will be a conversation I will have with my maker some day. Really, I hope this mom recieves the help she needs and is able to be a mom to her kids.

I've been surprised by the enthusiastic support of Utahns for the new Arizona immigration law. It's shocking that, number 1: it passed. Number 2: People who I have called my friends don't have any issue with the law as it's writen and hope to see it here in Utah soon. When I saw this video, I felt some appreciation for the frustration that caused this video to be created:

I found this information to be a big shocker and I suspect most people are completely unaware that this is yet ANOTHER way to have your information leaked out and about:

On a lighter note, I am going to make one of these "magic balls" and see if I can duplicate this experiment:

Okay, so these videos are on the serious side. I think I'll leave off with an old favorite:

1 comment:

Team Beardshall said...

I wonder all the time why some people cant have kids when they would be some of the best parents ever (you!), and why others seem to be able to pop them out at the drop of a dime......especially when Steve comes home from working as a cop and he has the saddest stories of neglected kids! Maybe one day we will know? I wish you luck in your journey though Tina because you and Eric are the BEST! Miss you!