Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friday Night Videos

I gave my notice at my second job - the one where I work Friday nights. I haven't decided if I'll keep this feature or if I'll "shake it up" and do something else. I have so much fun finding various videos, so I might just keep doing it. We'll see.

I have a real dislike for Glenn Beck...I think he sells out his own faith and he's a promoter of fear and hatred. I have to say that when I saw this, it was interesting and entertaining.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Back in Black - Glenn Beck's Nazi Tourette's
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

I found this video shocking and so sad! It's shocking and hard to see the impact of one company, one oil rig, one explosion that has become a tremendous disaster.

Neil Degrasse Tyson speaks on a meteor that could barely miss earth:

Lightening things up a bit:
He Man sings for us:

This last video reminds me of what I imagine my friend Shauna's kids would say to themselves in the mirror. I love it! So cute!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh that is sooo my Ashley! Maybe I need to start saying daily affirmations that I will be able to raise her.

I'm going to miss these Friday night videos that Steve and I always watch on Saturday night. You are taking away our date night!!!

I am excited for you to be free of your night job. I know that graveyards used to kill me. Are you getting a different job to replace that one.

AND thanks for that sweet comment you left on my blog. That made my night. You are always so good to leave comments to me.

ALSO, did you buy a camera at Best Buy then? I would love to take a class with you there in Utah!