Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dirty Dash Fears

This coming Saturday, I'm joining several of the girls from my office to participate in the Dirty Dash. And I have to say that I am freaking out!

I'm a wee bit accident prone, so I'm feeling like this might tempt Fate a little too much to pass up. I mean, what if I fall down in the mud and no one sees me and I drown in the mud, wouldn't that be just terrible!?!? Or I fall and break my ankle and my team has to drag me (literally) down the mountain.......ugh!

And I'm incredibly out of shape and I signed up thinking it would be good to have motivation to get out and get moving...and it worked. I've been up and moving but I'm still huffing and puffing my way around the 5Ks, I mean, there won't be any running on my part. I never want to be the last one to cross the finish line; BUT you have to cross the finish line as a team and I'm anxious about being the one to hold up my team!

And as I've mentioned, we'll be in the mud and what if mud clings to my most unattractive spots, or the water is too cold or I lose a shoe in the mud or the showers after the race are's silly, really, to be this concerned over something so trivial.


It should be fun, right?!


Jess said...

I am so so so so proud of you! I know how it feels to be completely freaked out about such small stuff. But just remember how amazing it is that you are even doing it, regardless of how you finish. And I promise, that even if you are the last of your team to finish, they are all going to be so proud of you too!! Go Tina!! Can't wait to see pix!

Team Beardshall said...

Hey if your moving more then that is always a good thing. I have to say....last year they only offered a 10K and it was the hardest race I've done....but also the funnest. Just know that this is something that you will remember forever! I'm going to try to run with you on Sat if I can make it!!!! Hope to see you there and if not have fun, just remember you are there to have fun and you will have a blast! Also, YOU will do great!

alisquire said...

I did the 10k last year and I have to was so fun! Don't worry about being slow; it seems like most people walked for at least part of the race. The showers were cold after the race, but maybe they'll heat them up since the weather is cooler right now. Just have fun gettin' dirty! Good luck!

Unknown said...

You are going to have a BLAST! I just wish that I could be there to take pictures. ;)