Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Pageantry

So I was watching TV the other day and there was 'nothing' as I'm flipping through channels I catch Toddlers and Tiaras and pause to watch the episode. The episode I got was one where the 'famous' toddlers, MacKenzie and Eden, are going to face off against each other.

I cannot believe how ridiculous it was!!

First off: these kids are waited on hand and foot and have ZERO restrictions! Lots of whining, temper tantrums and fighting for attention in the most obnoxious ways.

2nd: the mom's are crazy!! "it's whatever Eden wants to do and mama's going to be right here pushing her." yeah, that's right, the FIVE year olds run the house!

I must get the ultimate grand supreme title! That said, I think it's okay to allow a girl to explore her competitive side in this way, but there has to be some level of parenting going on.

So, not being a mom, maybe I don't understand. What do you mom's think? Could you dive into the world of pageants if your daughter wanted to?


Unknown said...

First off I am SO glad you survived your train crash. I can't believe they have the tracks mixed in with traffic. That was a miracle for all of you to walk away from.

Second, I love your blog background.

And third I could NEVER do those pageants. It's an injustice to those kids. Any time any of my kids start acting demanding I say, "Yes Veruca darling" (she was the spoiled girl ini Charlie and the Chocolate factory). My kids immediately say I'm not acting like Veruca and we discuss why I think they are. So you can say Veruca keeps us grounded around here. :)

And last but not least, I'm getting excited to see you this Fall!

Mark said...

I'm not a mom, but those Pageants Creep me out. Let the kids be kids!

T.Irwin said...

Shauna! I love the reference of Veruca!! (and I love that movie)

Your kids seem so down to earth, but then, so are you!

Team Beardshall said...

Not sure what 4 year old wants to be a pageant queen, unless her mom tells her that is exactly what she wants to be. I think it's totally weird. I have only caught glimpses of this you when nothing is on. And let me tell you, I don't watch it. I really cant stand all the drama, wining and such. But again, what do you expect from a 4 year old! Ha at least TLC can capitalize on it. My brother in law and I were just talking about how TLC has turned into the network for some pretty disturbing and freaky shoes!

Also, so glad to hear you are ok from your accident. I am pretty amazed that the back seat was in the front seat. What was that a dodge? I need to get one of those. My friend and I were rear ended in her civic and that pretty much crumbled in on itself! We'll that is what happens when you pull in front of the train Tina! Ha, NOT....nice I hope they get it all straightened out and that driver gets in trouble for lying! Obviously he was already on thin ice (maybe with previous accidents) to feel like lying was a better option!